The Illinois Regional Care Coordination Agency (RCCA) supports the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR).
The RCCA has three main functions: sub-awards administration, management of the Illinois Opioid Settlements Initiative website and dashboards, and coordination of seven regional opioid advisory coalitions.
Sub-awards Administration
RCCA develops notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs), evaluates applications, distributes funding on behalf of IDHS/SUPR, and works with subrecipients to ensure the funds are used as intended.

Illinois Opioid Settlements Initiative
RCCA maintains the Illinois Opioid Settlements Initiative website so that the public understands where and how Illinois and local governments are spending funds received through national settlements and opioid manufacturers and distributors.
Regional Opioid Advisory Coalitions
RCCA coordinates seven coalitions, made up of RCCA subrecipients and other interested organizations and individuals, which help ensure that RCCA funding meets the needs of communities disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis.

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