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NOFO Table of Contents

About the NOFO

The NOFO has a total of 11 sections.

Section A. includes an executive summary and funding information.
Section B. describes eligibility criteria and restrictions.
Section C. describes program details, including its purpose, priorities, and relevant statutes and regulations.
Section D. includes details on the required content and format for the application.
Section E. describes how to submit the application materials and registration requirements.
Section F. details the review and risk assessment process and criteria.
Section G. describes the notification process.
Section H. details requirements for subrecipient organizations after they have been awarded.
Section I. includes information relevant to the application, including TA and relevant definitions.
Section J. lists mandatory forms for submission.
Section K. consists of citations throughout the funding notices.

A. Basic Information

All materials, links, and resources related to this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) are available at the Illinois Regional Care Coordination Agency website via the Funding Opportunities page.

A.1. Executive Summary

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) sets forth application requirements for funding dedicated to the goal of increasing access to medication assisted recovery (MAR) for, and decreasing health inequities among, individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUDs) who are considered at high risk for overdose and medical complications due to barriers to health care access. Services will be delivered via mobile health units in the communities where the intended recipients live.

This funding opportunity will prioritize services to be delivered to and within the following Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) regions: West Chicago, Peoria, Champaign, and Metro East. Services to other regions and communities will be considered.

Opioid treatment programs (OTPs) who serve the prioritized IDPH regions and who are directly licensed by the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) may apply independently or in partnership with primary healthcare organizations or in collaboration with community programs, including harm reduction organizations, medical providers, and community treatment providers.

A.2. Funding Information

  • All materials, links, and resources related to this NOFO are available at the Illinois Regional Care Coordination Agency (RCCA) website via the Funding Opportunities page.  This is a new competitive subaward opportunity. The release of this NOFO does not obligate IDHS or the RCCA to make an award.
  • The total amount of funds available is $8,400,000 to be awarded over 3 years.
  • The RCCA anticipates a minimum of four awards in the regions noted above. The maximum award range applied for should be $700,000 per funding period, with funding period 1 prorated to total $175,000. Programs may apply for less funding.
  • Funding period 1 is estimated to span April 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025, and funding period 2 is estimated to span July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. Identification of the Period of Performance in this subaward does not commit the State awarding agency to fund the award beyond the currently approved budget period. See 2 CFR Section 200.332; 44 Ill Admin Code Section 7000.370. The execution of a subaward agreement shall not create any expectation of a subaward renewal. Renewals at the completion of the period of performance specified in the subaward agreement of this project are at the discretion of the RCCA and IDHS, based on performance and sufficient appropriations. Continued funding is subject to appropriations and release of funds by IDHS.
  • Funding periods are not equivalent to the period of performance. Period of performance means the total estimated time interval between the start of an initial award and the planned end date, which may include one or more funded portions, or budget periods. Identification of the period of performance in this subaward does not commit the IDHS or the RCCA to fund the award beyond the approved current fiscal year budget period. The period of performance shall end on June 30, 2026. If the subaward agreement is renewed, the period of performance shall continue from July 1, 2026, through June 30, 2027, unless the agreement is terminated or appropriations are no longer available.
  • The source of funding for this program is the Illinois Opioid Remediation State Trust Fund.
  • Applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new state awards.
  • Award amounts will be based on IDHS’ RCCA-approved budgets. Budgets must be sufficiently detailed and justified to be approved by the RCCA.


a Funding Opportunity Title Medication Assisted Recovery Mobile Health Units 2.0 (MMHU-2)
b Posting Date October 16, 2024
c Period Application Open 59 calendar days
d Closing Date December 13, 2024 at 5:00 PM CST

Applications will not be accepted after that time.

e Funding Opportunity Number O-09-MMHU2-24
f Awarding Entity RCCA
g Contact Randi Moberly, Ph.D.


RCCA Help Desk

h Announcement Type Initial Announcement Grant (Subaward)
i Average Prior Award  n/a
j Source of Funding Illinois Opioid Remediation State Trust Fund
k Estimated Total Program Funding $8,400,000 million over 3 years ($2,800,000 million per year)
l Funding per Period of Performance Funding Period 1: Up to $175,000

Funding Period 2: Up to $700,000 for each period of performance

m Anticipated Number of Awards A minimum of four
n Funding Periods This NOFO is for two funding periods. Subrecipients may be eligible to receive up to one subsequent grant renewal for this program, depending upon availability of funds. Renewals are at the discretion of the RCCA and IDHS, based on performance and sufficient appropriations. The anticipated funding periods for this award are as follows:

(1) April 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025 – up to $175,000

(2) July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026 – up to $700,000


o Cost-Sharing or Matching Requirement No
p Indirect Costs Allowed Yes
q Restrictions on Indirect Costs Indirect costs are allowed. Indirect Cost Rate must be approved. See C.5 Funding Details. Also see restrictions to indirect costs in accordance with Title 44 Part 7000 and 2 CFR Section 200. All subrecipients, excluding local educational agencies (as defined in 34 CFR 77.1) must make an indirect cost election during the application process.
NOTE: Release of this NOFO does not obligate the RCCA to make an award.

B. Eligibility

B.1. Eligible Applicants

OTPs who serve the prioritized IDPH regions and who are directly licensed by IDHS/SUPR may apply independently or in partnership with primary healthcare organizations or in collaboration with community programs, including harm reduction organizations, medical providers, and community treatment providers.

This competitive funding opportunity is limited to applicants that meet the following requirements and are subject to limitations described below:

  1. Applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois.
  2. Applicants must be able to fulfill the scope of services detailed in this funding notice.
  3. Applicants must have the capacity to comply with the legal, fiscal, reporting, and programmatic requirements as described in this funding notice.
  4. Applicants proposing the use of program funds to provide services that require state or federal licensure must be actively licensed.
  5. All entities must be qualified to do business with the State of Illinois.
  6. Applicants must complete the pre-qualification process described in E.2. Application Instructions.
  7. Applicants must complete award requirements described in G.3. Award Conditions.

Only applicants that meet the above criteria will be considered for funding. 

Organizations who have previously applied for MMHU funding may submit an application for this current funding opportunity.

An applicant, including an organization or project director, may submit only a single application under this announcement. For example, a single program director may not be on two competing applications.

Cost sharing is not required.

C. Program Description

C.1. Background

In 2013, 1,072 people in Illinois died of an opioid overdose.[1] In 2020, the number of fatal overdoses reached 2,000, and in 2021 and 2022, surpassed 3,000.[2] The opioid overdose epidemic has accelerated nationwide.[3] To hold companies responsible for their roles in the opioid crisis, the Illinois Attorney General has engaged in multiple investigations, lawsuits, and settlements with opioid manufacturers, distributors, and chain pharmacies. The funds from the settlements will support recovery in communities hardest hit by the opioid crisis and throughout the state.

The Illinois Office of Opioid Settlement Administration (OOSA) is the entity responsible for planning, administering, and managing 55 percent of the funds received from opioid settlements according to the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement and Executive Order 2022-19. The established processes ensure transparency and consideration of regional needs such as overdose rates, disparities created for specific populations, and resources to address opioid-related harms. OOSA is housed within IDHS/SUPR.


The mission of IDHS/SUPR is to provide a recovery-oriented system of care along the continuum of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support where individuals with SUD, those in recovery, and those at risk are valued and treated with dignity and where stigma, accompanying attitudes, discrimination, and other barriers to recovery are eliminated. IDHS/SUPR is working to counteract systemic racism and inequity and to prioritize and maximize diversity throughout its service provision process. This work addresses existing institutionalized inequities, aims to create transformation, and operationalizes equity and racial and social justice. It also focuses on creating a culture of inclusivity for all, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.

Funding Source

The Office of the Illinois Attorney General has certified—and the Governor’s Opioid Overdose Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee has approved—the use of up to $15 million from the Illinois Opioid Remediation State Trust Fund (Fund) for MMHU-2 services for priority populations in accordance with the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement and the Fund allocation process. In April 2023, IDHS/SUPR awarded Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) a grant to serve as the RCCA. The RCCA administers subawards with organizations providing prevention, intervention, treatment, and harm reduction services for people with SUD in accordance with state-approved strategies.

C.2. Need

The funds from the settlements will support prevention efforts in communities hardest hit by the opioid crisis and throughout the state. Fund distributions must be used equitably in service areas disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis as outlined in the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement, for example, areas with the following characteristics:

  • High opioid fatality rates, including
    • Counties other than Cook County with a crude rate of 1.8 or greater per 100,000 people and
    • Zip codes within Cook County with more than 100 overdoses (fatal and nonfatal) within the most recent year included in the Illinois Opioid Data Dashboard,
  • Concentrated poverty, including
    • Counties other than Cook County with a poverty rate greater than 12 percent and
    • Zip codes within Cook County with a poverty rate greater than 12 percent, per the U.S. Census Bureau,
  • Other conditions that hinder the communities from reaching their full potential for health and well-being, including counties other than Cook with a crude nonfatal overdose rate of 4.0 or greater per 100,000 people, as listed in the Illinois Opioid Data Dashboard,


Access to health care, including MAR, is challenging to many populations, and these priority populations are often those who are most in need, as described below:

  • About one in nine people experiencing homelessness in Illinois has a chronic SUD.[4] Individuals experiencing homelessness are at greater risk for disease and untreated wounds, yet high costs, lack of health insurance, and transportation issues prevent proper medical care. [5,6,7]
  • Two-thirds of individuals sentenced to jail have an SUD, and very few participate in any form of drug treatment during incarceration.[8] The first two weeks following release hold significant risk of overdose death.[9] More likely than the  general population to have a chronic condition, such as high blood pressure,[10] individuals who were formerly incarcerated face competing demands of securing housing, employment, and health care, often with little to no fiscal or social support.
  • Individuals in geographically hard-to-reach communities encounter barriers unique to their location. In Illinois’ rural counties, distance to emergency services or health care facilities may be too far to render timely treatment for overdose. Moreover, rural hospitals may not be as well prepared as their urban counterparts to handle the opioid crisis.[11]
  • Social determinants of health pose barriers to wellness and recovery, predominantly for the Black population, who have the highest rate of poverty and unemployment.[12] The non-Hispanic Black population has the highest overdose fatality rate in all age groups except 25-34.[13]

Mobile health units are an increasingly effective way to overcome barriers to accessing MAR by bringing services to individuals in their community. Models include van-based care stationed outside of correctional facilities in Baltimore and integration of buprenorphine maintenance therapy into preexisting harm reduction programs in Philadelphia and Seattle. In Seattle, many program participants enrolled in the buprenorphine program were retained in treatment and reduced opioid use, despite housing instability and polysubstance use. Successful pilots of MMHU-2s have been conducted in Chicago. These pilots provide all forms of MAR to individuals with OUD, as well as recovery support and harm reduction services.

C.3. Scope of Services

Objectives of MMHU-2 funding are to ensure that (1) patients within the priority populations receive immediate care for acute and chronic conditions, including SUD/OUD, wherever it is sought in the service area and (2) transitions to additional recovery services are managed and supported.

This funding opportunity will prioritize services to be delivered to and within the following IDPH regions: West Chicago, Peoria, Champaign, and Metro East. Services to other regions and communities will be considered.

The tasks required and associated performance measures, standards, and potential metrics to be collected are as follows:

Task 1. Fulfill Award Administration Requirements

The subrecipient must fulfill obligations outlined in H.8. Reporting and Grants Administration Requirements, including

a) Organizational needs assessment,

b) Implementation and sustainability plan development,

c) Equity and racial justice plan development,

d) Performance reporting,

e) Fiscal reporting, and

f) Participating in training and technical assistance (TTA).

Task 2. Conduct Assessment Activities

The subrecipient must assess the needs of individuals seeking MMHU-2 services from within and around the targeted community or location of the sub-population (e.g., homeless community). The assessment should evaluate health disparities and the related social and economic inequities that impact access to and need for services, as well as availability of SUD treatment provider organizations, Recovery-oriented Systems of Care, and recovery homes. Within 60 days of award, the subrecipient must

a) Conduct an environmental scan and analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) in the communities where the MMHU-2 will operate that meet the above criteria, and

b) Submit a comprehensive written report detailing the results.

Task 3. Plan MMHU-2 Services

Within 180 days of award, the subrecipient must

a) Develop and submit an implementation plan that includes the timeline and process to accomplish the following activities within the first 12 months of the award:

    • Licensing to enable the MMHU-2 to dispense the three forms of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved OUD medications (buprenorphine, naltrexone, and methadone). Please note further details on medication dispensation in Task 4; there is no set timeline for methadone. The licensure process should be initiated prior to submission of the plan.
    • Acquisition/lease of the vehicle(s), such as vans or buses customized for providing services.
    • Staffing/personnel to support the MMHU-2.
    • Delivery of services. Describe the services to be provided, location(s) where they are to be provided, and frequency of provision.
    • Collaboration with oversight entities, including but not limited to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and SUPR.
    • A budget for the projected medication and services not otherwise funded through health insurance, IDHS/SUPR, other government grants, or correctional institutions/jails.


b) Develop policies and procedures to guide program activities that, at a minimum, adhere to the following IDHS/SUPR and DEA requirements:

    • Adherence to the DEA definition of “motor vehicle’’ as a vehicle propelled under its own motive power and lawfully used on public streets, roads, or highways with more than three wheels in contact with the ground; a motor vehicle does not include a trailer in this context.
    • Possession of valid county/city and state information (e.g., a vehicle information number (VIN) or license plate number) on file at the OTP registered location.
    • Maintenance of narcotic drugs in schedules II–V only from the registered OTP location.
    • Maintenance of a storage area for controlled substances in the Mobile OTP that is not accessible from outside the vehicle.
    • Maintenance of a safe, bolted or cemented to the floor or wall, in such a way that it cannot be readily moved to ensure all controlled substances on the Mobile OTP are securely locked.
    • Maintenance of a safe on the Mobile OTP equipped with an alarm system that transmits a signal directly to a central protection company or a local or State police agency, which has a legal duty to respond, or a 24-hour control station operated by the registrant.
    • Returning the Mobile OTP to the registered program location each day and remove and secure the controlled substances inside the registered location. (If the applicant is unable to meet this requirement, please submit a separate exception request for DEA approval).
    • Identification and use of a secure location to store the MMHU-2 on overnight/weekends.
    • Maintenance of a log with information on dispensed controlled substances (dose dispensed, patient, date and time, etc.). The log must be stored at the registered program location.
    • Maintenance of an electronic log, if applicable, that the DEA has preapproved.
    • Maintenance of a hard copy (printed version of the electronic log) each day with each entry initialed by the physician who dispensed the controlled substance.
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols for the controlled substances on the MMHU-2 that are secure and accounted for in the event that the mobile component is disabled for any reason (mechanical failure, accident, fire, etc.).
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols in place to return to registered location in the event of an unannounced DEA/State inspection.
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols in place to ensure services are uninterrupted (i.e., weather, breakdown of unit).
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols that ensure that narcotic drugs are safely returned to the DEA registrant’s program location if there is an unforeseen breakdown of the MMHU-2.
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols that, at minimum, ensure that any security breach on the MMHU-2 is immediately reported to the DEA and IDHS/SUPR.
    • Maintenance of and adherence to protocols and logs to track any damaged/lost/stolen medication.
    • Maintenance of and adherence to a diversion prevention protocol approved by IDHS/SUPR.

Task 4. Launch the MMHU-2

Within 365 days of award, the subrecipient must launch the MMHU with capacity to:

a) Prescribe and/or dispense at least two of the three FDA-approved medications.

NOTE: One of those medications must be methadone (dispense) or buprenorphine (dispense or prescribe). Due to the complexities associated with dispensation of methadone, no time frame is required. If prescribing, case management services must be provided to assist patient in obtaining medication, and receipt of medication must be confirmed in outcome measures.

b) (Optional, but preferred) Provide and log other services to support successful patient outcomes, to one or more of the priority populations identified above. Other services include:

    • b1. Harm reduction* (including naloxone and overdose prevention education)
    • b2. Recovery support services*
    • b3. Treatment services*
    • b4. Community education and referral services
    • b5. Primary health services
    • b6. Other (e.g., HIV/AIDS prevention services)

The subrecipient must also:

c) Post and maintain the MMHU-2’s schedule and location/route of services on the IL Opioid Helpline.

*Services identified with an asterisk must adhere to IDHS/SUPR requirements as outlined in Administrative Rule, Part 2060 or be connected with an IDHS/SUPR program (e.g., Drug Overdose Prevention Program). Other services may also be required to adhere to requirements of other state agencies’ administrative rules or federal regulations.

Task 5. Build Community Support

Throughout the planning and implementation of the project, the subrecipient will:

a) Conduct engagement activities to gain buy-in and obtain letters of support for the MMHU-2 from stakeholders who are essential to the delivery of MMHU-2 services and to address any community concerns about the MMHU-2 services located within the community.

C.4. Deliverables and Performance Measures

The following table details (a) the deliverables required according to the scope of services and (b) associated performance measures, standards, and potential metrics (subject to change) to be collected by task. Time periods refer to the days from the beginning of the period of performance. Standards for activities refer to percentages of those described in the project plan.

Deliverables Performance Measures Standards Metrics
T1 Award administration requirements (a)     Complete organizational needs assessment survey 100% Needs assessment survey completed (30 days after distribution)
(b)     Complete implementation and sustainability plan 100% Implementation and sustainability plan created (45 days)

Sustainability plan update (submitted with final monthly reports)

(c)     Implement equity and racial justice plan 100% Organizational assessment completed (90 days)

Plan drafted (120 days)

Plan finalized (160 days)

(d)     Report performance information 100% Activities and services metrics reported (10th of each month, 10th following each quarter unless otherwise prescribed)
(e)     Report fiscal information 100% Fiscal performance reported (10th of each month)
(f)      Participate in TTA 75% # Monthly cohort meetings (initiated within 15 days)

# TTA sessions attended (quarterly or as prescribed)

T2 Assessment Activities (a)     Conduct environmental scan and SWOT analysis 100% Summary of and findings from each assessment activity
(b)     Submit comprehensive written report 100% Needs assessment finalized (90 days)
T3 Plan MMHU Services (a)     Develop and submit a fully implementable plan that details required criteria 100% Plan submitted (180 days)
(b)     Develop required policies and procedures that adhere to IDHS/SUPR and DEA requirements 100% Policies and procedures submitted (180 days)
T4 Launch the MMHU (a)     Prescribe and/or dispense at least two of the three FDA-approved medications 100% # Medications accessible and available for dispensation (365 days)
(b)     Provide and log supportive services (optional) 80% (365 days, based on work plan) # Harm reduction services

# Recovery support services

# Treatment services

# Community education and referral services

# Primary health services

# Other services

(c)     Post and maintain the mobile unit’s schedule and location/route of services on the IL Opioid Helpline. 90% # Current schedule posted (upon program launch)
T5 Build Community Support (a)     Conduct engagement activities 80% # Engagement activities (ongoing)

# Letters of support from stakeholders

C.5. Funding Details

This funding can be used to lease vehicles such as vans/buses customized for the provision of services, staff/personnel, medication, and services that are not otherwise funded through health insurance, IDHS/SUPR or other government grants or correctional institutions/jails.

Allowable Costs

Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity contained in the statement of work (SOW), are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation.

Unallowable Costs

Refer to 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Part 200 Subpart E – Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs. In addition, and specific to this grant, the following costs will be unallowable without specific prior written approval:

  • Entertainment costs, except where specific costs that might otherwise be considered entertainment have a programmatic purpose and are authorized in the approved budget (2 CFR 200.438)
  • Capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, including any vehicle regardless of cost, buildings, and land (2 CFR 200.439)
  • Capital expenditures for improvements to land, buildings, or equipment that materially increase their value or useful life (2 CFR 200.439)
  • Food and other goods or services for personal use of the grantee’s employees, contractors, or consultants unless authorized as per diem under the Illinois Governor’s Travel Control Board (2 CFR 200.445)
  • Deposits for items, services, or space
  • Dues to societies, organizations, or federations
  • Meetings or conventions, unless directly related to the program and approved in advance by the RCCA
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Cash payments to intended recipients of services
  • Purchase or repair of vehicles
  • Lobbying, political contributions, or compensation of a government body
  • Fundraising
  • Bad debt, fines, or penalties
  • Personal-use items, including expenses related to personal use of vehicles
  • Unallowable relocation expenses
  • Related-party transactions
  • Any other costs not approved in the plan and budget

Please refer to 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Part 200 Subpart E – Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs.

Indirect Cost Rate

To charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant organization must (1) have a federal annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) or must (2) elect to use the de minimis rate.

Indirect Cost Rate Election

  • Federally Negotiated Rate: Organizations that receive direct federal funding may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with a federal cognizant agency. The organization must provide a copy of the federal NICRA. Organizations must notify the RCCA of any changes to their previously established NICRA no later than 6 months after the close of the organization’s fiscal year.
  • de minimis Rate: An organization may elect a de minimis rate of up to fifteen (15) percent of modified total direct cost (MTDC).** Once established, the de minimis rate may be used indefinitely. If programs elect to use the de minimis rate, it is critical that program budgets accurately calculate the MTDC base. Please see the regulation below and note the exclusions to MTDC.


**2 CFR 200.1, Modified Total Direct Costs, means “all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $50,000 of each subaward (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs, and the portion of each subaward in excess of $50,000. Other items may only be excluded when necessary to avoid a serious inequity in the distribution of indirect costs and with the approval of the cognizant agency for indirect costs.”

“No Rate”

Subrecipients have discretion not to claim payment for indirect costs. Subrecipients that elect not to claim indirect costs cannot be reimbursed for indirect costs. The organization must record an election of “No Indirect Costs” in the budget workbook.

C.6. Authorizing Statutes and Regulations

Subrecipients are required to adhere to the requirements outlined in the following:

  • Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA), 30 ILCS 708
  • Grantmaking, Procurement, and Property Management, and federal regulations under Grants and Agreements, 2 CFR 200

D. Application Contents and Format

The NOFO application is contained in an online fillable form, hosted by SurveyMonkey Apply. Applicants must have access to the internet. Use the application link to access the online application as early as possible to make sure you can log in. Instructions to complete the fillable form are included in the online application. You will be able to work on your online application, save your work, and return to it at your convenience. You may also add collaborators to assist with application development. The individual submitting the application must attest within the application that they are authorized to submit the application on the organization’s behalf. Once the application is submitted, no further changes can be made. The link to the application is available at the IL RCCA website.

D.1. Contents and Point Distribution

The online application includes 9 sections. Sections 1–4 contain information about your organization, including fiscal, administrative, and internal controls questions. Sections 1–4 are not scored as part of the merit-based review process but are used to fulfill pre-qualification and risk assessment criteria. Sections 5–9 are scored for a total of 100 possible points. Individual questions can be referenced on the NOFO Prepare to Apply page.

Please answer questions truthfully and completely and be sure to cite the source of any data included.

Section Title Description Points
Section 1. Organization Information Basic administrative and fiscal information about your organization. 0
Section 2. Pre-qualification Organizational information and attestations that verify eligibility to receive an award. 0
Section 3. Internal Controls Administrative and management controls that inform the risk assessment that must be completed prior to NOA. 0
Section 4. Organization Attestations Attestations verifying capacity and truthfulness of information in the application. 0
Section 5. Executive Summary An overview of your organization and the services you plan to deliver if awarded funding. 5
Section 6. Need and Opportunity How the proposed work will contribute to the purpose of the project. 30
Section 7. Experience and Capacity How your organization’s work, approach, and experience are aligned with the intent of the project requirements. 30
Section 8. Quality The implementation approach and anticipated outcomes of the proposed activities to be funded by this notice. 30
Section 9. Project Budget Project budget and advance payment request. 5

D.2. Attachments

(* = Required)

# Item Description
A Approved NICRA (if applicable) Defines an organization’s federally negotiated indirect cost rate
B Organizational Chart* Describes the reporting structure and roles at the organization
C Organizational Budget* Describes organizational revenues and expenditures for current fiscal year
D Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Certification* Verifies TIN
E Single Federal Audit or Financial Statement Audit (if available) Provides assurance of internal controls to maintain grant compliance
F Conflict of Interest Disclosure* Discloses actual or potential conflicts of interest
G Project Plan* Describes the applicant’s plan to execute the award over the period of performance
H Budget Workbook* Demonstrates spending plan for subaward
I Resumes / CVs Demonstrates experience of planned leadership.

E. Submission Requirements and Deadline

The RCCA is now accepting applications to fund MMHU-2. Please note, each section must be completed within SurveyMonkey Apply AND the entire application must be submitted to complete the application. Once all sections are complete, the SUBMIT button will change from gray to green. This button must be selected to successfully submit the application. Applications will only be accepted through the online application available at the Illinois RCCA website via the Funding Opportunities page

E.1. Application Availability

All application materials are available at the Illinois RCCA website on the Funding Opportunities page. Copies of all materials may be obtained by any of the following means:

  • Submit a request at the IL RCCA Help Desk
  • Emailing a request to
  • Calling Randi Moberly at 312.386.7507
  • Mailing a request to:
    • Advocates for Human Potential Regional Care Coordination Agency, 1021 West Adams Street, Suite 303, Chicago, IL 60607

E.2. Application Instructions

Per Federal Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and GATA, all applicants must be qualified to receive an award. An eligible organization must

  • Have an active System for Award Management ( public account,
  • Have an active Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number,
  • Not be on the Exclusion List,
  • Be in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State (if the Illinois Secretary of State requires the entity’s organization type to be registered),
  • Not be on the Illinois Medicaid Sanctions List, and


Not be on the Illinois Stop Payment List.To obtain the information required to achieve qualified status, complete the steps detailed in the following table.

Step Requirement Link
1. Register with the State of Illinois Be actively registered with the Illinois Secretary of State. Illinois Secretary of State website
2. Obtain a FEIN/EIN number Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN/EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). IRS FEIN/EIN application website
3. Register for a account and obtain a UEI. Register for and maintain an active account and obtain a 12-digit UEI.

Applicants must complete the online application narrative questions and upload attachments as described herein. Detailed application questions and associated evaluation criteria are available at the IL RCCA website.

Project attachments should be PDF documents, except for the project budget, which is an Excel workbook.

Mandatory forms, including the Prevention Budget Workbook and Conflict of Interest Disclosure, are linked in J. Mandatory Forms.

The applicant must develop a budget consistent with program requirements as described in C. Program Description and in accordance with F.2. Grant Funds Use Requirements.

E.3. Submission Dates and Times

The online application must be completed in full and submitted electronically at by December 13, 2024, at 5:00 PM CST. The deadline will be strictly enforced. Applications received after the due date and time will not be considered for review or funding.

It is the applicant’s sole responsibility to ensure that their entire application and any attachments have been successfully submitted and received. Upon submission, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. In the event of technical difficulty during submission, please contact Randi Moberly at the  IL RCCA Help Desk.

E.4. Other Submission Requirements


E.5. Submission Tips

The following steps are recommended to successfully submit this application.

Step Name Description
1 Carefully review this document with your stakeholders.
  • Consider these questions:
    • Does our organization meet all the applicant eligibility criteria?
      • Is our organization able to effectively use these funds?
2 Prepare to apply.
  • Identify who is going to work on the different parts of the application. Take note of Section 2 and Section 3, which may require additional time.
    • Section 2 reports your organization’s pre-qualification status. Initiate or verify pre-qualification status as soon as possible as outlined in E.2. Application Instructions if you are not already pre-qualified.
    • Section 3 aligns closely with the State of Illinois Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ). If you are an existing grantee in the State of Illinois and are pre-qualified for the current fiscal year, you can reference your current ICQ to obtain the answers to that section. If not, a fiscal staff member at the organization will likely need to provide guidance on that section.
  • Develop a timeline for how to respond to the NOFO and submit on time.
  • Create a document to develop your answers to the questions in NOFO Appendix A.
3 Access technical assistance resources.
  • Register for the Technical Assistance session.
  • Ask questions and review answers submitted by others.
4 Complete attachments and forms.
  • Download and complete the budget workbook.
  • Download and complete the IDHS Conflict of Interest form.
  • Complete all other attachments listed in D.2. Attachments.
5 Complete the online application and supplemental materials.
  • Complete Sections 1–9 of the online application. It is helpful to have all answers prepared to copy and paste into the application. Please note, you are not able to format answers to the questions within the application, so simple headings are helpful to organize your responses.
  • Upload all required and applicable attachments.
  • Review and submit the application. Once submitted, no changes may be made to your application.

F. Application Review Information

F.1. Responsiveness Review

Each application will be reviewed for completion and eligibility, as defined in B. Eligibility. Budgets will be reviewed to ensure costs are allowable, reasonable, and linked to the described objectives in C. Program Description. All applicants that have submitted applications determined to be noncompliant or otherwise determined to be disqualified from consideration will be notified in writing, by email, upon determination. This email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the application and will identify the reason for disqualification.

State and Federal Laws or Regulations

In addition to the statutes and regulations listed in C.6. Authorizing Statutes and Regulations, every entity that is awarded funds through this NOFO must agree to comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment, and equal employment opportunity, including but not limited to

  • The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1–101 et seq.),
  • The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.),
  • The U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a– and 2000H–6),
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794),
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), and
  • The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.).


Additionally, the entity must comply with the following:

  • 45 CFR Parts 93 and 94
  • The Adult Protective Services Act

F.2. Grant Funds Use Requirements

All awarded applicants will use grant funds according to the guidelines, conditions, and parameters set forth in this funding notice and in compliance with federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of any applicable federal awards.

Compliance with Funding Sources

The agency awarded funds shall act in accordance with all conditions related to relevant funding sources outlined in the following:

  • Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act
  • Applicable regulatory requirements such as the Illinois Substance Use Disorder Act
  • Any other relevant state statutes

Third-Party Contractual Requirements

Any third-party contracts paid for using grant funds are subject to GATA requirements and the terms and conditions of the award. The subrecipient is required to include language supplied by the RCCA in contractual documents. Subcontractor agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the RCCA. The subrecipient shall retain sole responsibility for the performance and monitoring of the subcontractor.

Sectarian Issue

Applicant may not expend federal or state funds for sectarian instruction, worship, prayer, or to proselytize. If the applicant is a faith-based or a religious organization that offers such activities, these activities shall be voluntary for the individuals receiving services and offered separately from the program.

F.3. Review Criteria

The scoring will be based on need, capacity, quality of the organization’s work, and other grant-specific criteria. Points available are detailed in D.1. Contents and Point Distribution and associated questions are available on the MMHU-2 Prepare to Apply page.

F.4. Review and Selection Process

All competitive grant applications are subject to merit-based review in accordance with 44 Ill. Admin Code 7000.350.

Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of the application will be conducted by a review committee comprising a minimum of three individuals with relevant subject matter expertise and including persons with lived experience. The committee will independently and confidentially review applications and assign a numerical rating to the questions in Sections 5–9. The scoring tool will reflect the evaluation criteria and funding priorities. Note: Evaluation committee members will not have any conflicts of interest or apparent conflicts of interest.

RCCA leadership will compile the review committee scores, facilitate communication with the review committee on any variances, document any revisions, weigh funding priority criteria, and verify that applicants have completed all pre-qualification and pre-award requirements. The RCCA will then present recommendations of award finalists to IDHS/SUPR staff.

Finalist Recommendations

While the recommendation of the review panel will be a key factor in the funding decision, the RCCA maintains final authority over funding decisions and considers the findings of the reviewers to be non-binding recommendations. The numerical score may not be the sole award criterion. The RCCA reserves the right to consider other factors, such as geographic distribution, demonstrated need, and agency past performance as a state grantee. Any internal documentation used in scoring or awarding of grants shall not be considered public information.

In the event of a tie, with insufficient funding for all tied applications, the RCCA may choose one of the following options:

  • Apply one or more of the additional factors for consideration described above to prioritize the applications.
  • Partially fund each of the tied applications.
  • Not fund any of the tied applications.


Competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal and shall be reviewed by the RCCA’s Appeal Review Officer (ARO).


Appeals submission contact information:

  • Name of agency contact for appeals: Regional Care Coordination Agency
  • Email address of agency contact for appeals:
  • Email Subject Line: NOFO Review Appeal


An appeal must be submitted in writing to the appeals submission contact listed above.

An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published.

The written appeal shall include, at a minimum, the following:

  • Name and address of the appealing party
  • Identification of the grant
  • Statement of reasons for the appeal
  • Supporting documentation, if applicable


The RCCA will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within 14 calendar days from the date the appeal was received.

  • The RCCA will respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the appealing party of why additional time is needed.
  • The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by the ARO within the time the ARO sets in their request.


The ARO shall make a recommendation to the RCCA Project Director or designee as expeditiously as possible after receiving all relevant, requested information.

  • In determining the appropriate recommendation, the ARO shall consider the integrity of the competitive grant process and the impact of the recommendation on the RCCA.
  • The RCCA will resolve the appeal by means of written determination.
  • The determination shall include but not be limited to
    • Review of the appeal,
    • Appeal determination, and
    • Rationale for the determination.

F.5. Risk Review

Per 2 CFR §200.332(b), the RCCA must evaluate each subrecipient’s risk of noncompliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the subaward for purposes of determining the appropriate subrecipient monitoring. These possible conditions are included in the Notice of Award and are described in G.3 Award Conditions. The pre-award process includes establishing a risk profile through risk assessment of the organization’s financial stability, management systems and standards, history of performance, audit reports and findings, and ability to implement requirements of the award. This risk assessment is carried out with the aid of the following information:

  • Administrative, fiscal, and internal controls information entered in Sections 1–4 of the online application
  • Organizational and programmatic information detailed in Attachments B, C, and E.


The RCCA may also request additional information during the pre-award process.

Note: Risk assessments do not preclude entities from becoming grantees. Risk assessments are used to identify subrecipient TTA needs.

Simplified Acquisition Threshold

Potential subrecipients under this funding announcement may receive an award more than the simplified acquisition threshold, currently $250,000 (refer to 2 CFR 200 Section 200.88). Therefore, the subrecipient must be aware of the following regarding the simplified acquisition threshold, as it will be applicable to any qualifying subaward:

  • The grantee agency, prior to making a subaward with a total amount of funds greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently, the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System) (see 41 U.S.C. 2313).
  • An applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated integrity and performance systems accessible through SAM and comment on any information about itself that the awarding agency previously entered and is currently in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM.
  • The awarding agency will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in the designated integrity and performance system, in making a judgment about the applicant’s integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 CFR 200 §200.205.

G. Award Notices

G.1. Anticipated Announcement of Award

The announcement of this award is anticipated by February 14, 2025.

G.2. Notice of Intent to Award

Applicants recommended for funding following the review process and budget approval will receive a Notice of Intent to Award (NOIA) via email to the contacts identified in the application. In addition to items stipulated in CFR § 200.211 Information contained in a Federal award, the NOIA shall include:

  • The grant award amount,
  • The terms and conditions of the award, and
  • Specific conditions, if any, assigned to the applicant based on risk assessments and merit-based review.


NOTE: The initial budget submitted at the time of application might not be approved due to unallowable costs, errors in budget, or a difference between requested award amount and approved final award amount. The RCCA will inform the organization point of contact if the proposed budget is rejected.

Upon receipt of the NOIA, selected applicants should review and make an informed decision about whether to accept the funds. The NOIA must be signed by the applicant’s grants officer (or equivalent). This signature effectively accepts the award amount, and all conditions set forth within the notice. This signed NOIA is the document authorizing the RCCA to proceed with issuing an agreement. The signed NOIA must be remitted to the RCCA, as instructed in the NOA.

The NOIA is not an authorization to begin performance. The period of performance begins upon execution of the subaward agreement.

Applicants not receiving the award will be notified via email to the contacts identified in the application.

G.3. Award Conditions

Per 2 CFR 200.332(b), the RCCA must evaluate each applicant’s risk of noncompliance and must impose additional specific award conditions as needed, based on an analysis of the following factors:

  • Based on the criteria set forth in §200.206, Federal awarding agency review of risk posed by applicants.
  • When an applicant or recipient has a history of failure to comply with the general or specific terms and conditions of a federal award.
  • When an applicant or recipient fails to meet expected performance goals as described in §200.211, Information contained in a Federal award.
  • When an applicant or recipient is not otherwise responsible.


Per 2 CFR §200.208, these conditions may include items such as the following:

  • Requiring payments as reimbursements rather than advance payments.
  • Withholding authority to proceed to the next phase until receipt of evidence of acceptable performance.
  • Requiring additional or more detailed financial reports.
  • Requiring additional project monitoring.
  • Requiring the recipient or subrecipient to obtain technical or management assistance.
  • Establishing additional prior approvals.


More restrictive conditions may be imposed based upon the criteria set forth in Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77 § 2030.40.

The RCCA will remove conditions upon subrecipient request once it has determined that issues have been corrected.

G.4. Subaward Agreement

Upon receipt of acceptance of award, the RCCA will initiate the development of the subaward agreement and SOW that includes the following:

  • The activities to be performed
  • The time schedule
  • Applicable policies and requirements (flowthrough requirements)
  • Other policies and procedures to be followed
  • The dollar limitation of the agreement
  • Allowable costs


The primary point of contact for the organization will receive an email notification that the agreement is ready for review and signature. The signature should be returned to the RCCA as prescribed.

G.5. Payment Terms

Payments will be in accordance with Administrative Directive Grant Payments, 2 CFR 200.302, 2 CFR 200.305, 31 CFR 205 (procedures implementing Cash Management Improvement Act and the Treasury-State Agreement (TSA)), and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120 (Governor’s Office of Management and Budget Adoption of Supplemental Rules for Grant Payment Methods). Three different award payment methods exist, namely Advance Payment, Reimbursement, and Working Capital Advance.

Advance Payment Method (Advance and Reconcile)

Upon program approval for advance payment, an initial payment will be processed in an amount equal to the first two months’ cash requirements as reflected in the submitted Advance Payment Requirements Forecast (Cash Budget) Form. Subrecipients must submit monthly invoices in the format and method prescribed in the grantee’s executed Subaward Agreement. The first invoice is due after the first month of grant operations. Invoices must include only allowable incurred costs that have been paid by the grantee. Subsequent monthly payments will be based on each monthly invoice submitted to the grant program and will be adjusted up or down based on a comparison of actual cumulative expenditures to cumulative advance payments to date.

Subrecipients that do not spend all advance payment amounts by the end of the grant term or that cannot demonstrate that all incurred costs were necessary, reasonable, allowable, or allocable as approved in their respective grant budget must return the funds within 45 days or be subject to grant funds recovery.

Subrecipients may be required to submit supporting documentation for their requests at the request of and in a manner prescribed by the RCCA.

Failure to abide by advance payment governance requirements may result in the subrecipient losing their right to advance payments.

Reimbursement Method

Subrecipients will be paid via the reimbursement method when they do not meet the requirements of 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120(b)(2), or upon a subrecipient’s request to use the reimbursement method of payment, or as stipulated in a specific condition. Subrecipients that have specific conditions noted in their NOIA or Subaward Agreement for any of the following items must be paid using the reimbursement method:

  • Fiscal and administrative high risk (weak internal controls)
  • A history of failure to comply with general or specific terms and conditions of grant awards
  • Failure to meet expected performance goals as described in 2 CFR 200.211 or their program deliverables as stated in their applicable Subaward Agreement
  • Otherwise not responsible


The RCCA will disburse payments to the subrecipient based on actual allowable costs incurred as reported in the monthly financial invoice submitted for the respective month, as described below.

Subrecipients must submit monthly invoices in a format prescribed by the RCCA in the method prescribed in the Subaward Agreement. Invoices must include all allowable incurred costs for the first and each subsequent month of operations until the end of the grant term. Invoices will be submitted to the RCCA on or before the 15th day following the end of any respective monthly invoice period. Programs must process all payments to ensure that payments can be made (subject to appropriation, cash availability, and processing by the Office of the Comptroller) within 30 calendar days after receipt of the invoice, unless the RCCA reasonably believes the request to be improper.

Working Capital Advance Method

For subrecipients that cannot meet the requirements set forth in 2 CFR 200.302 (Financial Management), 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120(b)(1)(A)(i and ii) (Advance Payments) and other requirements as described in this Directive, if the RCCA determines that reimbursement is not feasible because the subrecipient lacks sufficient working capital, the RCCA may, in its sole discretion, provide a working capital advance to the subrecipient.

Subrecipients may request separate working capital advance payments for each grant program awarded by the RCCA. Requests must be submitted to the RCCA on the Advance Payment Request Cash Budget tab within the Budget Workbook (Cash Budget). The Cash Budget must include monthly cash requirements for every month of the grant term. A separate request must be submitted for each grant program application. The Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) or the Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent) for the subrecipient entity must attest upon award that the cash requirements are actual expected costs.

The RCCA will advance working capital payments to the subrecipient to cover their estimated disbursement needs for an initial period not to exceed 2 months of grant expenses. Startup costs may be approved if determined by the RCCA to be allowable.

  • Subrecipients must submit monthly invoices for each of the one or two months covered by the Working Capital Advance in the format and method prescribed in the subrecipient’s executed Subaward Agreement Exhibits. The first invoice is due after the first month of grant operations. Invoices must include only allowable incurred costs that have been paid by the subrecipient.
  • Subrecipients may be required to submit supporting documentation for their requests at the request of and in a manner prescribed by the RCCA.
  • Working Capital Advance Payments are limited to a single occurrence per grant term.
  • Following the initial period, the RCCA must reimburse the grantee for its actual cash disbursements as described in section II of this Administrative Directive.

G.6. Pre-Award Costs

Pre-award costs are not allowed. Beginning performance is at the applicant’s risk.

H. Post-award Requirements and Administration

Successful applicants agree to provide program services as described throughout this funding notice.

H.1. Start Date

Applicants must be prepared to begin grant activities starting April 1, 2025.

H.2. Site Visits

The applicant agrees to participate in site visits/quality reviews as requested by the RCCA.

H.3. Technology

Agencies awarded funds through this funding notice should have a computer that meets the following minimum specifications for the purpose of using any required web-based reporting system and the receipt/submission of the electronic program and fiscal information:

  • Internet access, preferably high-speed
  • Email capability
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • WebEx
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader


The purchase of this technology would be an allowable expenditure under the grant and may be included in the budget as part of this application.

H.4. Hiring and Employment Policy

The RCCA encourages cultural diversity in the work environment and to promote employment opportunities through its programs. The program workforce should appropriately reflect the populations to be served, with special attention given to hiring individuals indigenous to those communities. Whenever a position becomes available, funded programs are encouraged to consider Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) clients for employment, contingent upon their qualifications (i.e., education and work experience).

H.5. COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Applicant shall have written COVID-19 policies and procedures that align with current guidelines from their local health department, IDPH, and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

H.6. Publication of Studies, Reports, and Other Program Products

The applicant agrees that products produced for the RCCA under this award, including but not limited to research reports, data, analyses, and policy recommendations are the property of the RCCA and will not be published or distributed except as prescribed by the RCCA.

H.7. Administrative and National/State Policy Requirements

The agency awarded funds shall provide services as set forth in the Subaward Agreement and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services. The Subaward Agreement will be modeled on the IDHS FY24 Grant Agreement and CSA Attachment C. Additional terms and conditions not specified herein may apply.

H.8. Reporting and Grants Administration Requirements


Subrecipients shall comply with any and all federal or state data reporting requirements. Additionally, upon execution of the Subaward Agreement, subrecipients will electronically submit the following reports as prescribed by the RCCA:

Monthly Reports
  • Financial Reports: Subrecipient shall submit monthly financial reports no later than 10 days after the month ends.
  • Performance Reports: Subrecipient shall submit monthly performance reports no later than 10 days after the month ends.
Quarterly Reports
  • Performance Reports: Subrecipient shall submit quarterly performance reports no later than 10 days after the quarter ends. Quarters end September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30.
Close-Out Reports
  • Financial Reports: Subrecipient shall submit a close-out financial report no later than 10 days after the end of the period of performance or termination.
  • Performance Reports: Subrecipient shall submit a close-out performance report no later than 10 days after the end of the period of performance or termination.
Other Reporting Requirements

Additional periodic and annual performance and evaluation data may be collected as directed by the RCCA and in a format prescribed by the RCCA.

TTA Participation

Participants will participate in TTA and support as identified by the RCCA, with a goal of supporting successful program implementation and promoting sustainability after the conclusion of the funding period. The TTA opportunities will be specified by the RCCA throughout the grant period and, at a minimum, will include the following:

Needs Assessment

Upon grant award, subrecipients will complete an organizational needs assessment related to funding requirements to help identify gaps and areas for growth. The RCCA will distribute the survey within 4 weeks of the beginning of the period of performance.

Implementation and Sustainability Plan

Subrecipients must develop an implementation plan as prescribed by the RCCA to identify specific objectives, action steps, timelines, assigned personnel, planned outcomes, and internal performance measures. The RCCA will initiate TTA to grantees for the development of their implementation plan within 4 weeks of the beginning of the period of performance. The implementation plan must be maintained throughout the period of performance.

Equity and Racial Justice Plan

Subrecipients must develop and implement or maintain a diversity, equity, and inclusion/racial justice plan that

  • Reflects IDHS’s commitment to advance equity and racial justice;
  • Outlines how the organization ensures equity in access to its supports/services as well as outcomes;
  • Includes a plan to identify and address institutional oppression and racial bias in all areas of the organization, including programming; and
  • Includes an equity and racial justice training plan.
Webinars and Coaching Calls

Subrecipient organizations will participate in individual and/or regional coaching calls and webinars in accordance with the program deliverables described in C. Program Description  and as specified in the Subaward Agreement.

TTA topics will include (at a minimum) the following:

  • Subcontracting
  • Invoicing
  • Reporting, data collection, and performance measures
  • Implementation plans
  • Equity and racial justice plans
  • Topical areas of relevance to subrecipients
  • Special TTA as requested by individual subrecipients and/or as authorized by the RCCA
Other TTA Activities

Other TTA opportunities, such as learning collaboratives, may be required as specified in the Subaward Agreement.

H.9. Monitoring

Subrecipients funded through this NOFO are subject to fiscal and programmatic monitoring in accordance with 2 CFR 200.332. Subrecipients must provide the RCCA access to subaward records pursuant to 2 CFR 200.337. For projects that are having delays or difficulties, monitoring will be more frequent or detailed to ensure technical assistance is provided and any issues are resolved. The RCCA may modify subawards based on performance.

H.10. Awarding Agency Contacts

For information about this NOFO, contact the RCCA Support Team at

I. Other Information

I.1. Obligation of Award

The release of this NOFO does not obligate the RCCA to make an award.

The RCCA reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to adjust award amounts, targets, deliverables, etc. These negotiations do not obligate provision of funding, nor should an applicant draw any conclusions from these negotiations about the RCCA’s intentions to fund or not fund the application.

I.2. Definitions

  • Community:A group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, neighborhood, tent city, or shelter). Services in the community are offered outside of a state-licensed or certified facility.
  • Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA): A federal law enforcement agency committed to ensuring the safety and health of American communities by combating criminal drug networks bringing harm, violence, overdoses, and poisonings to the United States.
  • Harm reduction: “An approach to substance use treatment that involves a set of practical techniques that are openly negotiated with clients around what is most likely to be achieved. The focus is reducing the negative consequences and risky behaviors of substance use; it neither condones nor condemns any behavior. By incorporating strategies on a continuum from safer drug use to managed substance use up to abstinence, harm reduction practice helps clients affect positive changes in their lives.” (National Health Care for the Homeless Council)


“[The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration defines harm reduction as a practical and transformative approach that incorporates community-driven public health strategies—including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion—to empower people who use drugs (PWUD) and their families with the choice to live healthier, self-directed, and purpose-filled lives. Harm reduction centers the lived and living experience of PWUD, especially those in underserved communities, in these strategies and the practices that flow from them.”

  • Opioid treatment program (OTP):Providers of medication-assisted treatment for people diagnosed with an opioid use disorder. OTPs must be certified by SAMHSA and accredited by an independent, SAMHSA-approved accrediting body.
  • Opioid use disorder (OUD):“A problematic pattern of opioid use that causes significant impairment or distress. OUD is a treatable, chronic disease that can affect anyone—regardless of race, gender, income level, or social class. A diagnosis of OUD is based on specific criteria, such as unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use or use resulting in a failure to fulfill obligations at work, school, or home, among other criteria. It can even lead to overdose and death.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Recovery support services: “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential” (SAMHSA). Recovery support services are designed to support individual recovery from a substance use disorder that may be delivered pre-, during, or post-treatment. These services are generally delivered by a peer with the patient in various settings to support the individual in meeting their recovery support goals. They include employment training, continuing care, employment coaching, peer recovery coaching, recovery coaching, recovery skills, spiritual support, and transportation.
  • Social determinants of health: “The nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies, racism, climate change, and political systems.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Substance use disorder (SUD):“A treatable mental disorder that affects a person’s brain and behavior, leading to their inability to control their use of substances like legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, or medications. Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe.” (National Institute of Mental Health)
  • Treatment:Services provided according to Administrative Code Title 77: Public Health, Chapter X: Department of Human Services, Subchapter d: Licensure, Part 2060 Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Treatment and Intervention Licenses. Section 2060.401 Levels of Care. Treatment is offered in varying degrees of intensity based on the level of care the patient is assessed in need/placed and the subsequent treatment plan developed for that patient. The level of care provided shall be in accordance with that specified in the most current American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria and Administrative Rule 2060.

I.3. Applicant Technical Assistance

Pre-Qualification and Pre-Award Resources

TA Session

  • Attend or listen to the technical assistance session (recommended, but not required) at the Illinois RCCA Website.

Submit Questions and Review Answers

  • Submit questions at our Help Desk for MMHU-2 no later than November 29, 2024, at 5:00 PM CST.

I.4. Relevant Websites

J. Mandatory Forms

J.1. Budget Workbook

Subrecipients must use the Budget Workbook Template to submit their project budget and advance payment request. The Workbook file is available at

The budget and narrative must tie fiscal activity to program objectives and deliverables and must demonstrate that all proposed costs are reasonable and necessary, allocable, and allowable as defined by program regulatory requirements and Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), as applicable.

Verification of final approved budgets will be required by either the Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) or Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent) for the entity. The executive must certify that their entity complies with the requirements set forth in 2 CFR 200.302 (Financial Management) and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120(b)(i)(A) (Advance Payments).

J.2. Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosures

Subrecipients must immediately disclose in writing to the RCCA any actual or potential conflict of interest as soon as it becomes known, in accordance with 30 ILCS 708/35, 30 ILCS 708/60(a)(5), 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.330(f) and the Subaward Agreement. This disclosure must be submitted for the Grantee and all subrecipients or pass-through entities, whenever an actual or potential conflict may exist. Subrecipients have a continuing obligation to disclose to the RCCA financial or other interests (public, private, direct, or indirect) that may be a potential conflict of interest or could prohibit the subrecipient from entering or continuing the programs for which the grant is intended. The IDHS Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure must be completed, signed, and returned by all subrecipient organizations.

K. References

[1] Illinois Department of Public Health. (November 23, 2023). Opioid Data Dashboard.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Illinois Department of Public Health. (March 2022). Illinois Statewide Overdose Action Plan.

[4] U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (November 20, 2023). HUD 2023 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs Homeless Populations and Subpopulations.

[5] Centers for Disease Control. About Homelessness. (n.d.).

[6] National Health Care for the Homeless Coalition. Homelessness & Health: What’s the Connection? (February 2019).

[7] Institute for Health Policy Leadership. (March 11, 2021). Disparities in health care for the Homeless.

[8] Bureau of Justice Statistics. (August 10, 2020). Drug Use, Dependence, and Abuse Among State Prisoners and Jail Inmates, 2007-2009.

[9] Miller, R. (2007). Release from Prison — A High Risk of Death for Former Inmates. New England Journal of Medicine356(5), 536.

[10] Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2015). Medical Problems of State and Federal Prisoners and Jail Inmates, 2011–12.

[11] Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs Western Illinois University. (August 1, 2019). Demographic Challenges Confronting Rural Development in Illinois.

[12] Illinois Department of Public Health. (January 2020). Health Disparities Report for Illinois and Illinois  Counties 2011-2015 Data.

[13] Illinois Department of Public Health. (May 2022). Statewide Semiannual Opioid Report, May 2022