
Technical Assistance Session

General Questions and Answers

# Question Answer
1. Application
1.1 Should I register as an individual or an organization? Please register as an individual.
1.2 Can more than one person complete the application? Yes. Collaborators can be added to the application process.
1.3 Will I receive an email notification when my application is submitted? Yes. If you do not receive this email, please ensure the entire application was completed. In addition to completing each section, the entire application must be submitted. If you do cannot find this email, please contact the help desk.
2.1 Who are the SME’s that write the NOFOs? The SMEs that write the NOFOs are individuals at Advocates for Human Potential who have demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the topic/initiative being funding, including the services that will be funded through the NOFO. These SMEs include individuals with diverse backgrounds who live in Illinois and are familiar with Illinois’ SUD prevention, treatment and recovery systems, and some are people with lived experience. SUPR also provides SMEs that draft the original statement of work that is then used to construct the NOFOs.
3. Reviews
3.1 Will I be notified if there is a problem with my application? During the prequalification process, applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility to determine whether they will be considered for funding. You will be notified if your application does not meet those criteria. However, once submitted, no further changes can be made to the application.
3.2 Who is on the selection committee for each NOFO? The review committee includes, at a minimum, three individuals who are SMEs on the topic area, and/or are people with lived experience.
4. Awards
4.1 Can an entity be awarded multiple awards? As in, applying for two different NOFOs and receiving an award for both. Yes, an entity can apply for and, if eligible and has the capacity to fulfill the requirements of each, may be awarded more than one award.
5. Communications
5.1 How will I receive updates from AHP? Please ensure that your organization has whitelisted the following emails/email domains, so you can ensure you receive all communications.

  • ilrcca@ahpnet.com – RCCA program email address (and any email from ahpnet.com)
  • noreply@sign.ironcladapp.com – Ironclad, which AHP uses to send notices of awards and non-awards
  • noreply@mail.smapply.net – Survey Monkey Apply, which AHP uses to communicate with applicants
  • support@ahpnet.freshdesk.com – Freshdesk, which AHP uses to manage all communications that come to the ILRCCA@ahpnet.com email account or are submitted directly on the platform through the Contact Us page.
# Question Answer
1. Application
Should I register as an individual or an organization?
Please register as an individual.
Can more than one person complete the application?
Yes. Collaborators can be added to the application process.
Will I receive an email notification when my application is submitted?
Yes. If you do not receive this email, please ensure the entire application was completed. In addition to completing each section, the entire application must be submitted. If you do cannot find this email, please contact the help desk.
Who are the SME’s that write the NOFOs?
The SMEs that write the NOFOs are individuals at Advocates for Human Potential who have demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the topic/initiative being funding, including the services that will be funded through the NOFO. These SMEs include individuals with diverse backgrounds who live in Illinois and are familiar with Illinois’ SUD prevention, treatment and recovery systems, and some are people with lived experience. SUPR also provides SMEs that draft the original statement of work that is then used to construct the NOFOs.
3. Reviews
Will I be notified if there is a problem with my application?
During the prequalification process, applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility to determine whether they will be considered for funding. You will be notified if your application does not meet those criteria. However, once submitted, no further changes can be made to the application.
Who is on the selection committee for each NOFO?
The review committee includes, at a minimum, three individuals who are SMEs on the topic area, and/or are people with lived experience.
4. Awards
Can an entity be awarded multiple awards? As in, applying for two different NOFOs and receiving an award for both.
Yes, an entity can apply for and, if eligible and has the capacity to fulfill the requirements of each, may be awarded more than one award.

5. Communications

How will I receive updates from AHP?
IL RCCA Whitelist Copy

Please ensure that your organization has whitelisted the following emails/email domains, so you can ensure you receive all communications.

ilrcca@ahpnet.com – RCCA program email address (and any email from ahpnet.com)
noreply@sign.ironcladapp.com – Ironcloud, which AHP uses to send notices of awards and non-awards
noreply@mail.smapply.net – Survey Monkey Apply, which AHP uses to communicate with applicants
support@ahpnet.freshdesk.com – Freshdesk, which AHP plans to use for help desk communications in the future
jira@ahp.atlassian.net – Jira, which AHP uses to manage all communications that come to the ILRCCA@ahpnet.com email account or are submitted directly on the help desk platform.

NOFO Questions and Answers

Question Answer
1 According to the NOFO, the subrecipient must oversee the evaluation of TTA activities, and must develop a TTA plan that includes evaluation procedures.  It also states that the subrecipient should engage one or more independent third parties.  Our question is this:  We use a separate university department for evaluation of our programs.  Would that be considered an independent third party?  Or do we have to find an evaluator outside of the university? Given we have limited information about the nature of the relationship of the two entities, we are not able to respond to the specific question as to whether the separate university department would be operating as a third-party. However, one purpose of a third-party evaluator is to reduce the likelihood of bias. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that an evaluator does not hold any apparent or perceived conflicts of interest with the applicant.
2 Can an organization submit an application while also being a collaborator on another organization’s application? A non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity may only submit one application under this funding opportunity. For example, multiple individuals in one organization cannot submit multiple applications; a parent company cannot submit an application and a subsidiary submit a 2nd application for the same funding opportunity.
3 What is the intention for the balance of the $12M? Only $5.3M is targeted for the first two funding periods. The Governor’s Opioid Overdose Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee (Steering Committee) has approved up to 3 years of funding for projects to implement abatement strategies. Continued funding is subject to appropriations and release of funds by the Illinois Department of Human Services. AHP is responsible for issuing and monitoring subawards. AHP must issue awards based on AHP’s contracting periods with the State of Illinois.

There are two funding periods associated with this award. The anticipated funding periods for this award are as follows:
(1) March 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025 – up to an estimated $1,333,333 (approximately $1,000,000 for Tasks 1, 2, and 3; approximately $333,333 for Task 4)

(2) July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026 – up to an estimated $4,000,000
(approximately $3,000,000 for Tasks 1, 2, and 3; approximately $1,000,000 for Task 4)

Subrecipients may be eligible to receive up to one subsequent grant renewal for this program, depending upon availability of funds. If the subaward agreement is renewed, the period of performance shall continue from July 1, 2026, through June 30, 2027, unless the agreement is terminated or appropriations are no longer available.

4 Can you please talk about what is expected in the Website Concept Plan? The website concept plan should include a content outline and visual depiction of the proposed website structure, such as wireframes. It should also describe the planned approach – such as whether it will be a standalone website or part of an existing website. It is not required to include design concepts and styles.
5 Can/should we submit letters of support, letters of commitment, or MOUs for subcontractors and the SME panel? Applicants are able to submit project-related materials as part of the project plan and website concept plan materials.
6 Do we need to submit sample surveys and tools that will be used for evaluation activities? Applicants are able to submit project-related materials as part of the project plan and website concept plan materials.
7 Are there page or word limits for attachments? Page limits have not been established for attachments. However, all attachments should be relevant to the category under which it is being uploaded.
8 As a for-profit consulting company, we typically provide fully-burdened market-based hourly billing rates by labor category (for example, Principal – $xxx/hour, Senior Consultant – $xxx/hour, Consultant – $xxx/hour, Research Associate – $xxx/hour). We do not base our hourly billing rates on salaries, or other multiplier categories, which is more typical in the not-for-profit and educational arenas. Please confirm whether labor category billing rates may be used instead of the overhead, fringe, indirect costs and other breakdown categories currently in the forms. Instead of providing salary information, if we provide our fully-burdened pricing on the OTTAC Budget Workbook Template, and the fully-burdened hourly billing rate and number of hours for each consultant within the Budget Template would that cause our proposal to be disqualified or eliminated from consideration? Hourly costs are acceptable if the projected time spent on the award is accurately represented personnel costs and comply with the requirements under 2 CFR 200, Subpart E, Cost Principles, including apportioning the hourly costs by the required categories. Allowability of costs and cost allocation methods are determined in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E. It is recommended that you consult with a budget analyst or accountant knowledgeable with grant budgets.
9 Could you also clarify the different needs assessments referenced in the NOFO? Two needs assessments are referenced in the NOFO. Task 1.a. Organizational Needs Assessment Survey is distributed by the RCCA to all subrecipients to identify TTA needs and evaluate organizational readiness for the various tasks specific to the OTTAC subaward. Task 3.a. Statewide Needs Assessment is conducted by the subrecipient to determine providers’ TTA needs throughout the state.
10 If an organization is awarded the OTTAC grant, will they be eligible to apply for/be awarded other grants/NOFOs through the opioid settlement funds/ILRCCA program? If the applicant has met the eligibility requirements and completed the Pre-Qualification process, the OTTAC subrecipient would be eligible to apply for other OSF and RCCA awards if they are qualified. If an applicant receives a grant award and has other grant awards, they are responsible for determining allocability among the grants and complying with the restrictions related to not using funds from one grant to pay for cost shortfalls under another grant. The NOFO also includes questions for applicants to consider when making a decision to submit an application.
11 What is the role of legal counsel? Would contracting with a partner and consulting as needed meet that requirement or would they need to have a larger role? The role of legal support is to ensure program operations comply with legislative and administrative requirements pursuant to the subaward agreement. Having in-house counsel is not a requirement under this award. Applicants must determine the appropriate employee, consulting, or contracting relationship required to provide adequate support for their organization to ensure compliance with the award agreement and grant regulatory requirements.
12 The description for the 3 required reference letters states that two should be from previous grant funders. This may be difficult for many applicants to provide. I have contacted several funders of our prior work, and a few have come back stating this is prohibited for them to do or a conflict of interest. Can any more guidance be provided as to what you are looking for in these letters if we cannot secure them from prior funders? Reference letters may be from partner organizations, individuals who have received services provided by your organization, or other members of the community who can speak to the value of your work.
13 Can the same subject matter experts (SMEs) be listed on multiple applications? Yes.
14 The NOFO indicates that “Funding period 1 is estimated to span April 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025, and funding period 2 is estimated to span July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.” However, the budget template indicates that the maximum number of months for funding period 1 is 9 and the maximum number of months for funding period 2 is 12. Could you please clarify how many months are in each funding period? The maximum number of months for funding period 1 is 3. The maximum number of months for funding period 2 is 12. The 9 is an error in the template instructions.
15 Can you elaborate on whether or not an organization submit an application while also being a collaborator on another organization’s application? A non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity may only submit one application under this funding opportunity. For example, multiple individuals in one organization cannot submit multiple applications; a parent company cannot submit an application and a subsidiary submit a 2nd application for the same funding opportunity. An organization cannot submit one application and also submit a second application jointly with another organization.
16 The application requests: Provide up to five examples of grants or contracts that your organization has successfully managed in the past 5 years, with awarding agencies, dates, and dollar amounts using the table below. Include any current fiscal year funding from IDHS/SUPR or IDPH. Select “Not applicable” if you have not received previous grants or contracts. The first sentence seems to indicate including successfully completed grants, while the second sentence seems to give preference to listing currently active IDHS/SUPR or IDPH grants. Can you please clarify which is preferred or if applicants have a choice? If you have received awards from IDHS/SUPR or IDPH, those should be included in the examples provided. “Successfully managed” does not require that the funding period be closed. Examples may be current awards.
17 Are we required to include the current IDHS or IDPH funding if it does not align with this grant opportunity? If you have received awards from IDHS/SUPR or IDPH, those should be included in the examples provided.
18 Where would I locate H.8? or should I simply follow the list a-f beneath Task 1. There is no H.8. in the document Section H.8. is an error. This information can be found in Section H.10.
# Question Answer
Are state and local government entities eligible to apply?
Per C.1. of the NOFO, applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois and qualified to do business with the state of Illinois.
The NOFO states that, “the maximum award applied for should be $300,000 for the initial period of performance. Funding period 1 will span October 1, 2024–June 30, 2025, and funding period 2 will span July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.” Does that mean we can request $300,000 for funding period #1 and $300,00 for funding period #2 for a total of $600,000 OR is it $300,000 total across both funding periods?
Yes, the award range for each funding period is $250,000 – $300,000 for each funding period. Award amounts will be based on RCCA-approved budgets and the availability of State funding. Budgets must be sufficiently detailed and justified to be approved by the RCCA.
Can federal entities apply?
Per C.1. of the NOFO, applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois.
Is a county considered a ‘tax-exempt entity’?
When we have the WARM Kickoff meeting, (inviting all community members and organizations), will the food purchased for the Kickoff meeting be allowable costs? Are the costs associated with sober fun events and supplies allowable expenses?
Supplies for program activities that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity contained in the Statement of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200 are permissable.
Are there any age distinctions for this opportunity?
The WARM funding notice does not contain any age distinctions, but does state that “Services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis.” Descriptions of priority service areas and population characteristics with the highest need are described in Section A.3. of the notice.
Dropdowns in the WARM budget are not working.
The budget has been revised as of 6/6 and may be downloaded on the WARM NOFO Overview page.
Must applicant propose to pay for the first-month’s rent or pay for other moving costs if other housing services are being provided by the grant?
The determination of which housing costs to fund may be determined by the organization’s program procedures.
Can federal entities apply?
Federal entities may not apply on their own, but may partner with another organization to accomplish the program objectives.
Must applicant propose to pay for the first-month’s rent or pay for other moving costs if other housing services are being provided by the grant?
The determination of which housing costs to fund may be determined by the organization’s program procedures.
Inpatient Treatment is listed as an option to consider for individuals that will experience a significant housing transition upon discharge that we can focus on for the proposal. Does this include residential Level III substance use treatment programs? If so, is it an acceptable strategy to identify clients for the project that would come from our own level III residential substance use treatment programs?
As noted in NOFO Section A.5, Programs must: “provide peer recovery support services using a warm handoff model,” “services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis,” and “the subrecipient must establish relationships, agreements, and protocols to implement the model. Relationships should include, as aligned with the proposed model, the following: a. One or more hospital, jail, prison, or provider of homelessness services; and b. MAR providers, other community-based SUD treatment providers, homelessness Continuums of Care, providers of housing/homelessness services, overdose education and naloxone distribution programs, recovery community organizations (RCOs), and harm reduction groups.”
If the correctional facility applying for these funds is held within the county administration, would you like to see the organizational budget and chart for the jail or the county? How specific should these charts and budgets be? Should they pertain to the county as a whole, or can they pertain to the relevant departments?
The budget should include the overall county budget and the revenues and expenditures of the relevant department.
For question 80 in the Survey Monkey application portal, should said individual be the county board chairperson or the jail superintendent who will be coordinating the program?
The individual should be the name of the person submitting the application and must be authorized by the organization to do so.
Whose signature should be on the conflict of interest form?
The conflict of interest should be signed by a designated grantee representative of the entity receiving the award.
As a consulting organization, are we allowed to turn in the application on the correctional facility’s behalf?
A consulting organization may submit the application on the correctional facility’s behalf if authorized to do so by the applicant organization and clearly indicated in the application.
Our organization helps individuals transition out of nursing facilities and into independent living. Would this type of housing transition be included in the scope of services for WARM?
As noted in NOFO Section A.5, Programs must: “provide peer recovery support services using a warm handoff model,” “services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis,” and “the subrecipient must establish relationships, agreements, and protocols to implement the model. Relationships should include, as aligned with the proposed model, the following: a. One or more hospital, jail, prison, or provider of homelessness services; and b. MAR providers, other community-based SUD treatment providers, homelessness Continuums of Care, providers of housing/homelessness services, overdose education and naloxone distribution programs, recovery community organizations (RCOs), and harm reduction groups.”