
Technical Assistance Session

The Technical Assistance Session recordings will be posted by Friday, 12/20/2024 and will include a NOFO Overview and a demonstration of the budget workbook and application platform. We hosted a live Q&A session on January 8, 2025, and you can view that recording here: SAFE Technical Assistance Q&A

Please submit all questions to the RCCA Help Desk.

General Questions and Answers

The following table answers general questions about the NOFO and NOFO process.

# Question Answer
1. Application
1.1 Should I register as an individual or an organization? Please register as an individual.
1.2 Can more than one person complete the application? Yes. Collaborators can be added to the application process.
1.3 Will I receive an email notification when my application is submitted? Yes. If you do not receive this email, please ensure the entire application was completed. In addition to completing each section, the entire application must be submitted. If you do cannot find this email, please contact the help desk.
2.1 Who are the SME’s that write the NOFOs? The SMEs that write the NOFOs are individuals at Advocates for Human Potential who have demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the topic/initiative being funding, including the services that will be funded through the NOFO. These SMEs include individuals with diverse backgrounds who live in Illinois and are familiar with Illinois’ SUD prevention, treatment and recovery systems, and some are people with lived experience. SUPR also provides SMEs who draft the original statement of work that is then used to construct the NOFOs.
3. Reviews
3.1 Will I be notified if there is a problem with my application? During the prequalification process, applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility to determine whether they will be considered for funding. You will be notified if your application does not meet those criteria. However, once submitted, no further changes can be made to the application.
3.2 Who is on the selection committee for each NOFO? The review committee includes, at a minimum, three individuals who are SMEs on the topic area and/or are people with lived experience.
4. Awards
4.1 Can an entity be awarded multiple awards? As in, applying for two different NOFOs and receiving an award for both. Yes, an entity can apply for and, if eligible and has the capacity to fulfill the requirements of each, may be awarded more than one award.
5. Communications
5.1 How will I receive updates from AHP? Please ensure that your organization has whitelisted the following emails/email domains, so you can ensure you receive all communications.

  • ilrcca@ahpnet.com – RCCA program email address (and any email from ahpnet.com)
  • noreply@sign.ironcladapp.com – Ironclad, which AHP uses to send notices of awards and non-awards
  • noreply@mail.smapply.net – SurveyMonkey Apply, which AHP uses to communicate with applicants
  • support@ahpnet.freshdesk.com – Freshdesk, which AHP uses to manage all communications that come to the ILRCCA@ahpnet.com email account or are submitted directly on the platform through the Contact Us page.
# Question Answer
1. Application
Should I register as an individual or an organization?
Please register as an individual.
Can more than one person complete the application?
Yes. Collaborators can be added to the application process.
Will I receive an email notification when my application is submitted?
Yes. If you do not receive this email, please ensure the entire application was completed. In addition to completing each section, the entire application must be submitted. If you do cannot find this email, please contact the help desk.
Who are the SME’s that write the NOFOs?
The SMEs that write the NOFOs are individuals at Advocates for Human Potential who have demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the topic/initiative being funding, including the services that will be funded through the NOFO. These SMEs include individuals with diverse backgrounds who live in Illinois and are familiar with Illinois’ SUD prevention, treatment and recovery systems, and some are people with lived experience. SUPR also provides SMEs that draft the original statement of work that is then used to construct the NOFOs.
3. Reviews
Will I be notified if there is a problem with my application?
During the prequalification process, applications are reviewed for completeness and eligibility to determine whether they will be considered for funding. You will be notified if your application does not meet those criteria. However, once submitted, no further changes can be made to the application.
Who is on the selection committee for each NOFO?
The review committee includes, at a minimum, three individuals who are SMEs on the topic area, and/or are people with lived experience.
4. Awards
Can an entity be awarded multiple awards? As in, applying for two different NOFOs and receiving an award for both.
Yes, an entity can apply for and, if eligible and has the capacity to fulfill the requirements of each, may be awarded more than one award.

5. Communications

How will I receive updates from AHP?
IL RCCA Whitelist Copy

Please ensure that your organization has whitelisted the following emails/email domains, so you can ensure you receive all communications.

ilrcca@ahpnet.com – RCCA program email address (and any email from ahpnet.com)
noreply@sign.ironcladapp.com – Ironcloud, which AHP uses to send notices of awards and non-awards
noreply@mail.smapply.net – Survey Monkey Apply, which AHP uses to communicate with applicants
support@ahpnet.freshdesk.com – Freshdesk, which AHP plans to use for help desk communications in the future
jira@ahp.atlassian.net – Jira, which AHP uses to manage all communications that come to the ILRCCA@ahpnet.com email account or are submitted directly on the help desk platform.

NOFO Questions and Answers

The following table includes questions asked regarding the NOFO. Questions and answers will be updated each Friday afternoon during the application period beginning January 3, 2025. Please note, you must check this page for responses to your question.

Questions must be submitted by February 7, 2025 at 5 p.m. CST. The final update is anticipated to occur on February 14.

1 Are there any provisions for having subcontractors in the award? Yes. If there are contractors or subcontractors that you will be working with, please list those in your budget proposal. If you do not have those contractors or subcontractors identified, you can list those in your budget proposal as a planned expense.
2 Are you accepting letters of recommendation in the application? Yes, you may include letters of recommendation in Attachment I in the application platform.
3 For Cook County, we are applying for the Bellwood designation, correct? Yes.
4 If you are looking for existing organizations that align with CHRP, for example, existing safe syringe programs (SSPs), then what about Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) organizations? The organization does not have to be a SSP. The organization has to provide harm reduction services for the population that it defines that it serves.
5 Do organizations have to have PWLE leadership guiding the organization for at least two years? Current CHRPs providing safer practice, education, support supplies and materials within the framework for at least 2 years. It would be need to be demonstrated in your application that you have been providing those services for that period of time. You could make adjustments  to align with the other requirements of the program in the future.
6 If an application is approved, are you automatically getting both phases of that funding? And it’s just separated in those 3 months, and then the year. For this NOFO, the initial agreement will cover 15 months, which will span 2 funding periods.
7 In the NOFO, it says that persons with lived experiences (PWLE) should serve in a membership role on the Board of Directors for the agency. Would an advisory committee of PWLE meet this requirement? Yes, an advisory committee of PWLE meet the requirement so long as the advisory committee membership aligns with the requirements for CHRPs. Reference for the response: “SAMHSA’s Six Pillars of HR include HR…is led by people who use drugs and with LE of drug use. Work is led by PWUD and those with lived and living experience of drug use. Harm reduction interventions that are evidence based have been innovated and largely implemented by PWUD. Through shared decision-making, people with lived experience are empowered to take an active role in the engagement process and have better outcomes.24 Put simply, the effectiveness of harm reduction programs is based on the buy-in and leadership of the people they seek to serve. Organizations providing harm reduction services should have a formal mechanism to meaningfully include the voices of people with lived experience in the design, implementation, and evaluation of those services.25 Adopting at least two of the following specific mechanisms of inclusion is mission critical: employment of people with lived experience in both intervention and administrative roles, advisory boards of PWUD, and the consultation of CHRPs or any other peer-led organizations.”
8 If current staff were to be used and they did not have lived experience, is the expectation that someone new (a PWLE) is to be hired? It says in NOFO (Page 8) “program should align with CHRP recommendations requiring PWLE to “be employed in direct service positions.” The terms recommendations and requiring at the same time are confusing. The question is: must a PWLE be employed in the program in order to receive funding? Yes, a PWLE must be employed in the program. The program must provide harm reduction services that are led and staffed by individuals representing and reflecting the community for individuals in active substance use within the community. Applicants must have at least two years of experience in offering services described as core practice areas for Community-based Harm Reduction Programs (CHRPs) in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Harm Reduction Framework.
9 Under the same section, it says PWLE should “serve in a membership role on the board of directors.” We are a LHD. Would that mean serve on the Board of Health? and would that be required? Or would an advisory committee again suffice? A Board of Health would suffice so long as it meets the guidance in SAMHSA’s Harm Reduction Framework including boards, staff, and team members should be at least 51 percent those with lived experience. (CHRPs demonstrate meaningful connection to PWUD in their community, especially to communities most marginalized, and provide lowest-barrier, core harm reduction practices. Please submit additional information or contact the RCCA, if questions remain.)
10 We potentially do have board members who have substance use experience, but do not specifically have opioid use disorder experience. If we add someone to our board as part of this process, would that person need to have opioid use disorder experience in order for us to qualify? It is up to the organization to present in the application how lived experience is defined within that organization. The lived experience with substance use disorder does not have to be related specifically to opioid use.
11 Can you explain the difference between lived experience and living experience? “People with lived experience” describes individuals who are in a process of recovery and are no longer using substances. “People with living experience” describes individuals who are still engaging in some kind of use of substances, exploring one of many pathways to recovery.
12 The SAFE notice of funding asks applicants to describe the organizational resources and who will provide administrative and operations support to support program leadership and staff. Does this imply that administrative and operations support (ex: Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Development, and Communications staff) are considered allowable expenses? SAFE subrecipients must establish and maintain program leadership and staffing to carry out program design, implementation, and data collection to meet grant program and reporting requirements. Program leadership must be supported by administrative, finance, and legal staff to ensure program operations comply with legislative and administrative requirements pursuant to the subaward agreement. Costs that are necessary and reasonable based on the activities contained in the statement of work (SOW), are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable. This includes administrative costs, both direct and indirect, that reflect a small portion of the overall program budget. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation.
13 Where can I find the conflict of interest template? The Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure form is linked on question 86 of the application. You can also find it here: Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure.
14 Are leases or purchases of mobile harm reduction outreach vehicles allowed and if so is there a limit on cost? Per 2 CFR 200.439, purchase of a vehicle is a capital expenditure. Capital expenditures are not allowable costs. Therefore, vehicle purchases are not an allowable expense. Vehicle leases are permissible as long as the lease agreements are not “lease-to-own or rent-to-own”. This funding can be used to lease vehicles such as vans/buses customized for the provision of services, staff/personnel, medication, and services that are not otherwise funded through health insurance, IDHS/SUPR or other government grants or correctional institutions/jails. The budget narrative must indicate number of staff per vehicle leased that will utilize the vehicle along with the purpose of the travel.
15 The [ORGANZIATION 1] is discussing a collaborative application for the SAFE Grant. We have a question regarding the requirement to have 2 years experience providing Harm Reduction Services led and staffed by PWLE. Our partner collaborator is developing this capacity but has not had it for 2 years. The [ORGANIZIATION 1] does have this experience for 2+years. Do both organizations need to meet the 2-year experience requirement, or is it sufficient for one of the organizations to meet it? Organizations/entities are not able to submit a joint application. Since the eligibility applies to the applicant, one of the organizations needs to identify as the applicant and the responsible entity.

The services provided by the applicant and any contractors and consultants should be identified in the application. If the contractor is t and yet they do not have the minimum qualifications, that would be an issue, and the question about eligibility should be raised.

16 Our agency would like to apply to the SAFE grant, but if we apply, will we only provide services to the counties in which our area covers (the lowest 7 counties in Illinois) or will we need to cover the entire IDPH region that we fall within? Applicants may define their service area. It does not need to include the entire region.
# Question Answer
Are state and local government entities eligible to apply?
Per C.1. of the NOFO, applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois and qualified to do business with the state of Illinois.
The NOFO states that, “the maximum award applied for should be $300,000 for the initial period of performance. Funding period 1 will span October 1, 2024–June 30, 2025, and funding period 2 will span July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.” Does that mean we can request $300,000 for funding period #1 and $300,00 for funding period #2 for a total of $600,000 OR is it $300,000 total across both funding periods?
Yes, the award range for each funding period is $250,000 – $300,000 for each funding period. Award amounts will be based on RCCA-approved budgets and the availability of State funding. Budgets must be sufficiently detailed and justified to be approved by the RCCA.
Can federal entities apply?
Per C.1. of the NOFO, applicants must be a non-profit, for-profit, or tax-exempt entity located in Illinois.
Is a county considered a ‘tax-exempt entity’?
When we have the WARM Kickoff meeting, (inviting all community members and organizations), will the food purchased for the Kickoff meeting be allowable costs? Are the costs associated with sober fun events and supplies allowable expenses?
Supplies for program activities that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity contained in the Statement of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200 are permissable.
Are there any age distinctions for this opportunity?
The WARM funding notice does not contain any age distinctions, but does state that “Services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis.” Descriptions of priority service areas and population characteristics with the highest need are described in Section A.3. of the notice.
Dropdowns in the WARM budget are not working.
The budget has been revised as of 6/6 and may be downloaded on the WARM NOFO Overview page.
Must applicant propose to pay for the first-month’s rent or pay for other moving costs if other housing services are being provided by the grant?
The determination of which housing costs to fund may be determined by the organization’s program procedures.
Can federal entities apply?
Federal entities may not apply on their own, but may partner with another organization to accomplish the program objectives.
Must applicant propose to pay for the first-month’s rent or pay for other moving costs if other housing services are being provided by the grant?
The determination of which housing costs to fund may be determined by the organization’s program procedures.
Inpatient Treatment is listed as an option to consider for individuals that will experience a significant housing transition upon discharge that we can focus on for the proposal. Does this include residential Level III substance use treatment programs? If so, is it an acceptable strategy to identify clients for the project that would come from our own level III residential substance use treatment programs?
As noted in NOFO Section A.5, Programs must: “provide peer recovery support services using a warm handoff model,” “services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis,” and “the subrecipient must establish relationships, agreements, and protocols to implement the model. Relationships should include, as aligned with the proposed model, the following: a. One or more hospital, jail, prison, or provider of homelessness services; and b. MAR providers, other community-based SUD treatment providers, homelessness Continuums of Care, providers of housing/homelessness services, overdose education and naloxone distribution programs, recovery community organizations (RCOs), and harm reduction groups.”
If the correctional facility applying for these funds is held within the county administration, would you like to see the organizational budget and chart for the jail or the county? How specific should these charts and budgets be? Should they pertain to the county as a whole, or can they pertain to the relevant departments?
The budget should include the overall county budget and the revenues and expenditures of the relevant department.
For question 80 in the Survey Monkey application portal, should said individual be the county board chairperson or the jail superintendent who will be coordinating the program?
The individual should be the name of the person submitting the application and must be authorized by the organization to do so.
Whose signature should be on the conflict of interest form?
The conflict of interest should be signed by a designated grantee representative of the entity receiving the award.
As a consulting organization, are we allowed to turn in the application on the correctional facility’s behalf?
A consulting organization may submit the application on the correctional facility’s behalf if authorized to do so by the applicant organization and clearly indicated in the application.
Our organization helps individuals transition out of nursing facilities and into independent living. Would this type of housing transition be included in the scope of services for WARM?
As noted in NOFO Section A.5, Programs must: “provide peer recovery support services using a warm handoff model,” “services shall be designed for a population disparately affected by the opioid crisis,” and “the subrecipient must establish relationships, agreements, and protocols to implement the model. Relationships should include, as aligned with the proposed model, the following: a. One or more hospital, jail, prison, or provider of homelessness services; and b. MAR providers, other community-based SUD treatment providers, homelessness Continuums of Care, providers of housing/homelessness services, overdose education and naloxone distribution programs, recovery community organizations (RCOs), and harm reduction groups.”