Increase Access to Telehealth (TELEHEALTH)

Apply for TELEHEALTH funding by May 9, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (CST).

At a Glance

TELEHEALTH subrecipients will design a telehealth program that includes technology infrastructure, compliance with regulatory requirements, documentation of processes and procedures, and training and technical support.
Subrecipients will acquire and maintain necessary hardware and healthcare devices, platform/software licensing, and functionality support (e.g., security systems, cloud services).
TELEHEALTH subrecipients will conduct outreach for people with opioid use disorder (OUD) in communities that have been disparately impacted by the opioid crisis, as well as in rural communities with few or no appropriate services.

Important Dates

Application Materials

Information about the Notice of Funding Opportunity is organized into four main topics: the NOFO, the application, the budget, and FAQs.


The NOFO includes all program requirements and terms and conditions related to the award.

2. Application

Applications are accepted via SurveyMonkey Apply (SMA), an online application platform.

3. Budget

The Budget Workbook must be uploaded as an attachment in the online application.

4. FAQs

Answers are uploaded each Wednesday and the TA Session video will be posted here.


Register for the Technical Assistance Session!

The Technical Assistance Session is scheduled March 19, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. CST.

Review the Applicant Checklist

The checklist contains a list of suggested steps to successfully submit the application.

RCCA Contact

Randi Moberly, Ph.D.
IL RCCA Program Director

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
Regional Care Coordination Agency
1021 West Adams Street, Suite 303
Chicago, IL 60607