Illinois Regional Care Coordination Agency Logo

April 18th, 2024

The Role of the RCCA:

The RCCA develops administers sub-awards to support IDHS/SUPR initiatives


The Illinois Attorney General has engaged in multiple investigations, lawsuits, and settlements with opioid manufacturers, distributors, and chain pharmacies. By the end of 2023, nine settlements had been finalized and $199.5 million in payments were designated for Illinois. Approximately $1.3 billion is expected by 2038.

Each defendant in these settlements makes payments to a trust that has independent administrators. The trust administrators allocate the funds based upon individual state plans. In Illinois, the plan is called the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement, and the funds are shared between the State, Remediation Fund, and local governments. For details on projected and actual expenditures of settlement funds and distribution, visit

The 55% of funds designated for the Remediation Fund are governed by Executive Order 2022-19, which established the Illinois Office of Opioid Settlement Administration (OOSA) and a process to govern the expenditures of the funds. The OOSA plans, administers, and manages the Remediation Fund, and partners with the Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board to obtain approval for the use of funds from the Governor’s Opioid Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee.

See The Remediation Fund: Governance to
learn more about the governance process.

RCCA Role in Administering Sub-awards

After recommendations for abatement strategies have been approved by the Governor’s Steering Committee, the OOSA evaluates existing programs and identifies the appropriate procurement method to deliver the services needed. Procurement options include expansion programs, intergovernmental agreements, and Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs). IDHS/SUPR administers expansion programs and intergovernmental agreements. For NOFOs, IDHS/SUPR provides a scope of work to inform the work of the RCCA at Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) to inform NOFO development. The RCCA then posts the funding notice, hosts the application platform, manages the merit-based review process, and, after presenting a finalists list to OOSA for final review, makes the award and monitors the subrecipient throughout the period of performance.

Learn More

Check out the Funding Opportunities page to learn about current NOFOs!


1. Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records. (2017, December 4). State of Illinois comprehensive opioid data report.

2. Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records, 2017.

3. Illinois Department of Public Health. (2022, March). State of Illinois overdose action plan.